Silk Soles - The Opium Den - HQ

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Cover 2 The Opium Den 180 PhotosCover 3 The Opium Den 180 PhotosCover 4 The Opium Den 180 PhotosCover 5 The Opium Den 180 PhotosCover 6 The Opium Den 180 Photos
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    425,6 MB
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    zip / jpg
  • Description:
    Ariel sexes it up a den of sin and iniquity, barefoot and bold! Shot by the awesome Faye Taylor, on a not-quite-so-awesome Nikon. Actually the Nikon
    probably is awesome, but the default colour rendition in my preferred RAW processor is... different. It always seems to take me a lot of wrangling to
    get the skin tones where I want them. That's one of the reasons I still pine somewhat for a Canon dSLR- the skin tones were always so fabulous straight out of camera. In the early days we shot JPG so the final version was necessarily near the colours of the original- I wouldn't have wanted to do that with Nikons. Which is why I've never owned one, I guess! Nothing wrong with them- obviously not if ace photographers like Faye like them. It's just their
    default rendition of colours isn't to my personal taste. Released on 20 November 2018. Production Team: Hywel and Faye