Soles of Silk - birdhouses

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Cover 2 birdhouses 62 PhotosCover 3 birdhouses 62 PhotosCover 4 birdhouses 62 PhotosCover 5 birdhouses 62 PhotosCover 6 birdhouses 62 Photos
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  • Size:
    53 MB
  • Number:
    zip / jpg
  • Description:
    The day this set was shot, Nikki made some last minute time with me after working an over night shift. It was early in the morning and she had been up for hours. I, not being a morning person, was struggling to get myself ready. We still made due and took a small drive down to a local park where I figured we would be bound to find a spot or two to use for sets.
    The spot we picked to shoot was on a grouping of large rocks under a post full of birdhouses. Some of the birdhouses had even fallen to the ground and were broken.
    It had been raining off and on all night and into the morning. While it wasn't currently raining, there was just a dampness in the air and major overcast above. I'm sure you'll be able to tell just how wet it was, especially when you see how damp Nikki's feet get kicking off her black flip flops. Blades of grass and little flecks of debris kept getting stuck to her slender soles, but we managed not to get them too dirty. I honestly liked how the wet surroundings made her already soft feet even softer. Shooting in overcast does have some benefits!